Chevy Beh in the 1st Asia Snow Polo held in Tianjin, China featured in Ta Kung Pao, China
Saturday, March 5th, 20112月19日,中國香港高銀隊球員舍維(右二)在比賽中射門。
中國網・濱海高新訊 20日,在天津濱海高新區環外部分環亞國際馬球會館舉行的國際雪地馬球挑戰賽半決賽中,英國隊以7比6戰勝中國香港高銀隊,進入決賽。(記者岳月偉攝)
中國網・濱海高新訊 20日,在天津濱海高新區環外部分環亞國際馬球會館舉行的國際雪地馬球挑戰賽半決賽中,英國隊以7比6戰勝中國香港高銀隊,進入決賽。(記者岳月偉攝)
TIANJIN, China (Reuters Life!) – Asia’s first ever snow polo tournament went into its second day on Wednesday at China’s newest and largest polo club, with six top global teams promoting the luxury sport to the nation’s new and growing ranks of wealthy.
Though an early form of polo was once popular with China’s upper classes during the Tang dynasty more than a thousand years ago, the sport of kings died out almost entirely until a recent surge of interest in foreign sports seen as being high class.
The first generations of new wealthy spawned by China’s economic reforms are likely to view golf, red wine and Ferrari as symbols of prestige, but many of the newer generation are looking for something more. (more…)