Chevy Beh as team manager in Sea Games Jakarta was featured in The New Straits Times & Berita Harian dated 9.11.2011

November 9th, 2011 by

BPPOLO emerged as the winner of the National league for 2011

November 3rd, 2011 by Graphic

The game was held in 3 different venues: Royal Pahang, Selangor Polo Club and Putrajaya Equestrian Club.

The team with the most points won.

The team comprised of Jennifer Too, Dato beh, Chevy Beh and Joevy Beh.

2012 RMPA Handicap List

October 11th, 2011 by Graphic

2012 RMPA (Royal Malaysian Polo Association) handicap list.

Congratulation to the Beh Brothers for their new handicap.
Chevy Beh: 4 Goals
Joevy Beh: 4 Goals
Garvy Beh: 3 Goals